Installing Unlaunch

If you need help, ask the NDS(i)Brew Scene or the Nintendo Homebrew Discord servers.

시작하기 전, 윈도우 사용자는 반드시 확장명 보기 (Windows)가 활성화 되어 있어야 합니다!

시작하기 전, 당신의 SD카드의 문제점을 확인하고 싶으시다면 H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), 또는 F3X (Mac)을 이용해 주세요!

Before proceeding, if you don’t have an existing DSiWare exploit installed, make sure your system firmware is up to date (latest is v1.4.5).

Ensure your SD card is formatted to FAT32 before proceeding.

Unlaunch is a DSi bootcode exploit which will allow you to install HiyaCFW, a DSi Custom Firmware, to your console.


Preparing your SD card

  1. Insert your system’s SD card into your device (PC or smartphone)
  2. Copy fwTool.nds from the nds folder in the Flipnote Lenny .zip file to the root of your SD card
  3. Copy BOOT.NDS from the hbmenu folder in the HBMenu .tar.bz2 file to the root of your SD card
  4. Copy Memory Pit (pit.bin) to the private/ds/app/484E494A folder on your SD card
    • If it doesn’t exist, make a photo on the console and copy it to the SD card
  5. Eject your SD card, and insert it back into your DSi

Creating a NAND backup

  1. Open the DSi Camera application
    • If you already have another DSiWare exploit installed, open that and skip to step 4
    • Note that Sudokuhax cannot adequately make a backup with the required footer!
  2. Select SD Card at the top right
  3. Tap Album
    • This will launch HBMenu
  4. Navigate to fwTool.nds, and press (A)
    • fwTool will appear
  5. Navigate to Backup DSi NAND, and press (A)
    • This will take a few minutes
    • Store this NAND backup in a safe location, it is a critical backup and we will need it later to install HiyaCFW
    • When saved nand.bin.sha1. appears, the backup is finished
  6. Navigate to Exit, press (A), and power off your system


  1. Insert your system’s SD card into your computer
  2. Copy UNLAUNCH.DSI from the Unlaunch .zip file to the root of your SD card
  3. Rename UNLAUNCH.DSI to unlaunch.nds
  4. Unplug your SD card, and insert it in your DSi
  5. Power on your DSi, and repeat steps 1 through 3 in Creating a NAND backup
    • HBMenu will appear
  6. Navigate to unlaunch.nds, and press (A)
    • Unlaunch’s installer will appear
  7. Navigate to INSTALL NOW and press (A)
    • If Unlaunch freezes at ERROR: MISMATCH IN FAT COPIES, please read our FAQ
  8. When done, navigate to POWER DOWN and press (A)
    • Your system will power off
  9. Power on your system, to verify Unlaunch installed properly
    • You should now see Unlaunch’s management screen

With Unlaunch installed, your system now has primitive brick protection, unless the launcher’s TMD file is destroyed. Unlaunch has protections that should prevent this from happening, and HiyaCFW uses your SD card as the DSi’s NAND, adding a very resilient layer of brick protection.

Continue to Installing HiyaCFW